Give your pizza a little room to breathe! Whether you're cooking a fresh, par-baked, or frozen pizza, a pizza screen can offer air circulation that evens out the rate of cooking throughout your pizza. Your crust won't burn while toppings go uncooked; with a pizza screen, all parts of your pizza bake at the same time.
It's an especially handy tool if you're new to the pizza-making game. Using a screen also makes your pizza easier to handle and keeps it from sticking to your stone.
NOTE: Only the 12" screen will fit into the Pizzeria Pronto Stovetop Pizza Oven and the Pizzeria Pronto Outdoor Pizza Oven and the PizzaQue Portable Pizza Oven. The 16" will not fit.
Also available, our 13" Nonstick Pizza Screen (will not fit into any Pizzacraft ovens).